Ludo Box

Ludo Box is a game that combines luck with strategic thinking, making it enjoyable for players of all ages. The rules may vary slightly depending on the version of the game or regional variations, but these are the basic guidelines for playing Ludo.

To play Ludo, often referred to as “Ludo box” due to its boxed set, follow these steps:

Equipment Needed:

  1. Ludo Board: This is a square board with a cross-shaped track divided into four colored regions (usually red, blue, green, and yellow), forming a circuit.
  2. Tokens: Each player has four tokens, typically distinguished by color and matching the colored regions on the board.
  3. Dice: A single standard die (usually with six sides).


  1. Players: Ludo is played with 2 to 4 players. Each player picks a color and takes the four tokens of that color.
  2. Starting Position: Each player places their four tokens in their respective starting area or home triangle on the board.
  3. Objective: The goal is to move all four of your tokens from the starting area to your home area (the colored triangles at the end of your path) before your opponents.


  1. Turns: Players take turns in a clockwise direction starting with the youngest player. On your turn, you roll the die.
  2. Movement:
    • To move a token onto the track from the starting area, you must roll a 6.
    • Once a token is on the track, you move it forward the number of spaces shown on the die. Tokens move around the outer circuit of the board according to the number rolled.
    • You can split the number rolled between tokens or use it all for one token.
    • If you land on a space occupied by an opponent’s token, that token returns to its starting area.
    • If you roll a 6, you get an extra turn after completing your initial move.
  3. Safety Zone: The last few spaces just before a token’s home triangle are considered safe. Tokens cannot be captured in this area by opponents’ tokens.
  4. Winning: The first player to move all four of their tokens from the track into their home area wins the game.

Additional Rules:

  • Doubling: Some variations allow you to roll again if you roll a 6.
  • Team Play: In team play, partners sit opposite each other and tokens move in opposite directions around the board.


  • Balance moving all your tokens out with trying to block opponents and send their tokens back to start.
  • Use strategic placement and movement to maximize your chances of getting your tokens into your home area while impeding your opponents.


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